Crystals to use during the Sirius Gateway

Crystals to use during the Sirius Gateway

4th -8th July 23

The gateway of energy between Sirius, the spiritual sun; our Sun and the Earth is aligned and now open. During this time you may experience heightened intuition and dreams. Use this time welcome in the transformative energy by resting, drinking more water, meditating, journaling and automatic writing.

With the high frequency energy of this gateway activating our intuition, here are a few crystals I recommend to help support you.

Lemurian Quartz - coded with ancient wisdom and healing, allowing you to reach higher levels of consciousness

Lapis Lazuli - a stone of spiritual revelation. It shows us the way to inner wisdom and enlightenment.

Blue Kyanite - opens communication with higher dimensions.

Labradorite - protects your aura and grounds spiritual energy.

Apophyllite - activates third eye and crown energy centres and is a

good conductor of energy. Use it to magnify and direct energy

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